Road Maps to Local Clubs

Below are two road maps that may be useful for out-of-town sailors travelling to the Ottawa/Outaouais area to participate in local regattas, or for people who simply want to check out the area's sailing clubs. Look in Directory of "Services and Businesses" on this web site for the phone numbers and exact addresses of the various clubs in the region. Also, here is a link to a Mapquest for this part of the Ottawa River.

( 1 )    Below is a smaller scale map showing the location of sailing clubs along the Ottawa River in the National Capital Region in relation to the Highways and major regional roads (Kanata to Gatineau).

*** gif file of map ***

( 2 )    A larger scale map showing roads to the sailing clubs around Lac Deschenes (western end of the National Capital Region).

*** gif file of map ***

Text and graphics by Michael McGoldrick.
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